Twatzis: Servants of the HOA

When Trump was elected in 2016, it didn’t just usher in incoherent policies and mass deportations. More sinister, foul creatures arose to take their place alongside him. These so called Karens; or Twatzis, are doing yeoman’s work: complaining about books in school libraries despite not having children at the school, picking fights over vaccine mandates, and cucking their terrible frat-bro husbands. You know, the kind of stuff that gets Stephen Miller hard. And, when a new ethnic family moves next door, they’ll mobilize the HOA. Not in their neighborhoods.

Well, that is just what happens in Ohio when a Syrian family; the Massouds, move into the neighborhood. Tensions escalate quickly when they put up small bird feeder in their tastefully approved garden. What starts as passive aggressive comments soon turns in a full blown war between a group of day drinking Trump supporters and one family trying to fulfill the American dream. The Twatzis may not be able to stop the election of Comrade Kamala, but they sure as hell are going to prevent the Massouds from using a non-approved color on their garage.