Pajama Party

Have you ever caught yourself thinking “gee, I enjoyed Animal Farm but it was just way too subtle and un-American”?  Well then today’s pitch is right up your alley. Set during a 4th grade elementary school class president election, our story centers around little Dommie, a rotten spoiled brat in the “special” class. After destroying any chance of making friends with his classmates (by being a spoiled jerk) Dommie begs his father to have him moved to the regular 4th grade class. After a quick conversation with the principal and a million dollar check, Dommie got his wish. We’ll jump past the fake doctors notes to get out of gym class, paying his babysitter to not tell anyone he still craps his pants, and using photoshop to inflate the grades on his report cards to get a bigger allowance, and skip to the election. After hearing that the class president gets an extra scoop of ice cream at lunch, Dommie decides he needs to be class president. He quickly takes over the Pajama Party, convincing his classmates that he’ll return them to the good old days of being able to nap whenever they want, and that he's the only one who can protect them from waves of transfer students coming in and taking the best desks.  Will the 4th grade ever be great again? Will the administration finally force their American-born teacher Mr. Smith to move back to his home country of Nigeria? Unfortunately we’ll find out.