Spanish Superfly 

Cocaine kingpin Hotblood Deacon has amassed a loyal crew of underlings and a small fortune moving  product on the streets of New York- but he can feel pressure from the Man closing in on his operation both on the ground and at the harbor and yearns for an out.

Bemoaning his situation to his contact at the docks one afternoon while scanning upcoming shipment manifests he notices a container ship from Southeast Asia due to arrive the following week. Among its contents is a large quantity of chemicals headed for one of the research labs at Columbia, and Hotblood sees the opportunity for his pivot: cantharidin isolated from a newly discovered species of blister beetle. If Deacon can get a small crew together to boost the chemical, he and his dealer friend Smooth Jiminy can try to compound it with some over-the-counter vasodilators; instead of trading in illicit booger sugar he can go clean cornering the lucrative nutritional supplement market with his cock rocket sauce.

After acquiring the chemical without incident Deacon and Smooth get to work cooking up their aphrodisiac. Deacon feels energized from getting back in the lab- he’s been a boss for so long that he hasn’t had to use the Chemistry portion of his Chemistry/Jeet Kune Do double major. 

The resulting mixture has a pleasant iridescent green tinge to it, and Deacon heads to his old mentor who first got him in the game, Spatter, to seek his counsel regarding distribution. Spatter suggests running it through the “nightly cooze” and consults his Pimpadex for some contacts to test market with.

Early reviews are super positive from both the ladies and their johns and Deacon decides to roll out citywide with his Spanish Superfly, and all seems to be going to plan until he gets a frantic call from Smooth, who has just seen a report on the news regarding a stolen batch of volatile chemicals and a warning that exposure to it could be fatal due to its caustic and necrotizing properties. 

Before you can say “Daaaaaaaaamn” everyone who has tried to put a little verve in their swerve with Deacon’s product is being zombified with swollen and distended genitals. It seems before  he can continue to try to go clean he is going to have to get a little dirty using the other half of his degree busting up some zombie ass, but we’ll save that for the sequel.