Nun of Her Business

When a clerical error lands a newly minted Nun a position at an inner city clinic, Sister Constance must decide between the sacred bond of service and whether her vow of non violence will permit her to buy pepper spray. Deciding to stick it out, Constance learns that the for all of the hustling and illegal activities the souls she serves are just down on their luck people who need spiritual guidance. She turns a blind eye to many of the more colorful events of the neighborhood…judge not, lest Constance be judged and whatnot.

Over the years, the good sister’s faith is tested as a new wave of phony religious fervor washes over the unwashed masses. When JD Vance begins his campaign against childless cat ladies, her faith begins to waver. Wasn’t Jesus childless, too? Contemplating these dilemmas, she witnesses a local constable harassing a POC. Aghast and appalled, Sister Constance reaches her breaking point. With a strengthen that can only be heaven sent, she wallops the officer and helps the young man escape.

Fueled by a new sense of purpose, Sister Constance decides to actively assist the community by organizing the local gangs into one cohesive army for Christ. But, like the good Christ. Not the Toby Keith one. Forget Mother Superior, now it’s Mother Ulterior…Motives! Saving souls and busting caps! Running drugs and a daycare facility! And hey, if she’s wrong she can always give confession on her deathbed.

It’s The Warriors meets Sister Act 2 in a film Fox News has told your religious aunt to condemn in this blasphemous, habit forming, four quadrant John Waters comeback vehicle.