Revenge of the Giant Cane Toads

Dr. Brooks Bufos, a renowned toad geneticist, is leading a top-secret project in a high-security research facility. The project involves altering the genes of cane toads to study potential military applications of toad super soldiers. Unknown to her, a rogue scientist, Dr. Pup Tent, has been conducting unauthorized experiments, pushing the toads’ size, aggression, and intelligence to dangerous levels and feeding them human flesh. And licking the toads. 

One stormy night, a security breach occurs. The power goes out, and the newly mutated giant cane toads, now possessing enhanced strength, intelligence, and an insatiable thirst for human flesh, escape from their containment. The toads, led by the largest and most intelligent one named Todd, break free, attacking and overpowering the guards. Then eating them.

Dr. Bufos, realizing the potential catastrophe, teams up with Jesse Rana, an ex-military survivalist, animal behnavior expert, and former toad addict. They track the giant toads through the dense swamps surrounding the lab. As they follow the trail of destruction, they discover that the toads are not just mindlessly violent but are organizing themselves, showing signs of strategic thinking and coordinated attacks. And barbecuing skills. 

Meanwhile, the local town, coincidentally called Toad Hollow, unaware of the looming danger, is preparing for its annual Toad Sausage festival. The toads, attracted by the noise and smell of cooked toad, head towards the town. Dr. Bufos and Jesse race against time to warn the townspeople and prepare defenses.

As night falls, the town becomes a battleground. The toads launch their assault, causing chaos and panic. Dr. Bufos and Jesse, with the help of a few brave townsfolk, fight back using improvised weapons and traps. Amidst the chaos, Dr. Bufos faces Dr. Tent, who confesses his role in the catastrophe, while lasciviously licking a lady toad, and is subsequently eaten by Todd.

The final showdown occurs at the town’s central square. Dr. Bufos and Jesse manage to separate Todd from the rest of the pack, by luring him with roasted human flesh. In a tense and brutal fight, they defeat Todd, breaking the toad horde’s coordination. The remaining toads, now leaderless and confused, retreat back into the forest, dragging flaming human carcasses for snacking on later. 

In the final scene, a lone toad watches from the forest, its eyes glowing with an unsettling intelligence, hinting that the threat might not be entirely over…