Randy Savage: Male Prostitute

Times are hard for former wrestlers, one day you’re on top, the madness and the mania, the next you’re servicing non-GILF spinsters in the pool house at the Villages. 

This tragic tale of the fickleness of fame and fortune features Bradley Cooper in a tour de force performance, no less Oscar worthy than his turn as Leonard Bernstain? Bernstein? If you thought THAT prosthetic nose was an achievement, wait till you see THIS prosthetic beard. 

Cry, as Randy feels the pain of having to reset a hip he’s just displaced in a fit of elder passion. 

Laugh, as a playful exchange between lovers of tapioca goes out of control and turns into a pudding bath. 

Every emotion will be explored as Randy romances the lonely gals of Citrus Hills, FL. 

This film will bring a whole new meaning to the phrase “Snap in to a Slim-Jim!”