The Adult Furry Camp Murders

On a quiet lake somewhere in the middle of nowhere, ten “Furfluencers” gather for a little R&R, far from society’s judging eyes. 

Woof Blitzer, the self proclaimed leader of this gathering has planned some typical furry activities to get the ball rolling. You know, typical furry activities like mutual fursuit grooming, fursonality tests, and furking. Everyone is just having a good furry time. 

Suddenly, a yelp, or howl or animal noise of some sort rings out over the lake. Poppy the Otter lies dead, flayed of his skin, his hideous carcass revealing his human form, naked and lifeless. Gross. 

Soon one by one the furfriends begin dying in spectacular ways. Is there a mad killer lurking in the woods? Does that killer have a grudge against furries? Is it a former furry who felt slighted by the group? I’m not saying. 

But, yes. That’s essentially the plot.