Mike Rowe Aggression

Champion of blue-collar workers and skilled tradespeople Mike Rowe has been advocating on behalf of American labor for more than a decade now- pushing for a return to domestic manufacturing and economic independence at the individual and national level. Know what Mike Rowe doesn’t have time for? Third rate organizations sullying his good name. So imagine his surprise when he is leaving a meet and greet at a local VFW in suburban New Jersey and sees posters advertising a Mike Rowe Wrestling event at a watering hole two blocks over.

Sure, the sign reads Micro Wrestling but Mike Rowe doesn’t read with letters- only phonetic pronunciations.

As he storms into Artie’s Bar ready to give a stern talking to to whichever promoter is aping his brand he is greeted by cheers- in the back corner a makeshift ring has been hastily assembled on the small stage and four diminutive men in leotards are jumping and throwing each other around inside it. 

After stalling the action and silencing the crowd by whistling loudly Mike approaches the ring, and one of the wrestlers climbs up on the top rope and asks who the hell he is.

“I’m Mike Rowe you little bastard- and this fiasco you used my name for is over!”

The wrestler, clearly confused, asks what the hell he’s talking about and that if he wants the event to end he needs to climb in the ring and put an end to it myself.

Mike Rowe relishes a challenge, and as he delicately removes his flannel shirt and climbs in the ring announces “I’ll send all you gremlins back to the coal mine to get back to work. It’s a dirty job(tm) and I’m just the man for it”

Will the micro wrestlers overcome the Gulliverian interloper? Can micro wrestling and mikeroweWORKS come together for some brand synergy? Is sports entertainment the final skilled labor sector that Mike and his organization can support and unionize? Find out in this exciting, edifying, and electrifying feature produced in a collaboration between Discovery and WWE films this fall.