Throw Me Momma so we can Run Train

In the grand tradition of 80s sex comedies like Porky’s, Revenge of the Nerds, and Follow That Bird! comes this misguided update to Danny DeVito’s directorial debut.

Owen is a glum 25 year old who still lives at home with his domineering mother and whose only respite is the community he has found to commiserate with online in chat rooms. While he is bemoaning his situation one evening, blaming his mother and all ladies for his woes as usual, he makes the mistake of sharing a picture of his “mean mom” to his cohorts, who are immediately struck by how attractive she is. Soon he is being hounded for more “angry momma” photos and a devious plan comes to mind: coordinate a phony home invasion with a select few of his online cronies to scare some humanity into his mother so she stops riding his ass so much. They get to spend an evening with an actual woman they find attractive, mom gets taken down a peg or two, everyone wins.

Of course things go spectacularly wrong, and when mom is startled awake by four strange, panting men in her room while her son seems to be zip-tied and unconscious in the corner something long dormant in her resurfaces, and before they can even process what is happening the four sad bois Owen solicited are swept up in an animalistic sexual hurricane. And it seems mom is just getting started…

Can Owen successfully navigate the transition from lonely online troll to having his home descended on  every weekend by the entire tri-state area incel population? Probably not- but at least his mom has a new hobby and is in a better mood than she has been in years! 

Featuring the final screen appearance of Donald Sutherland as Grandpa Owen, this salacious movie will only be found streaming on the new Spice+ service just in time for the holidays!