Noem Tell’em Truth’em

Presenting this Ripped-from-the-headlines pitch that reflects the MAGA zeitgeist, we are.

Kristi Noem has a problem… ok, a few problems, but we’re focusing on her image problem. The public doesn’t care for puppy murderers much, liars they will support unconditionally. But a MAGA mutt murderer auditioning to be South Dakota’s entry in the Cruella De Veep stakes is not going to go over well. Despite repeated attempts to spin the story as “fake news” Noem can’t seem to catch a break from the press and public who won’t be conned by her feeble Jedi-adjacent mind manipulations. Example:

“You wrote in your book that you met with Kim Jong Kardashian.”

“I will not discuss my meetings with world leaders.”

“But you put it in your book. And you recorded the audio book.”

“I travel the world and meet with world leaders constantly.”

“You? The Governor of the least important of all 50 states? Meeting with world leaders? Constantly? You are insane.”

Can you withstand the cringe? Are you not entertained? 90 minutes of batshit denial in the face of irrefutable proof. Squirm baby, squirm.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say Noem will not be the VP nominee. Trump may be able to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it, but a third rate State Governor cannot shoot a puppy and have a political career.