Golden Looks and the Three Bears

Brett Whiteman was born into a world of privilege: blond hair, blue eyes, friends named Chip and Tad, casual date rape…you know, prep school kind of things. Born and bred to lead, he’s the kind of man who roots for Gaston and who we used to elect to the Supreme Court. But lately, the world has turned their backs on this bygone masculinity. Now, instead of a cushy job at an investment firm, he’s fighting DEI candidates for middle manager jobs. All the lessons his governess taught him seem to no longer apply. When the Man v. Bear test goes viral, Brett can no longer stand silent. He decides to show how dangerous Bears really are, and how valuable a quality man truly is by hunting them. After slaughtering a pack of bears, will Women still choose the bear? Have we wildly misunderstood what the Man v. Bear test is? The answer both is probably.

Directed and self financed by America’s third favorite vintner, Francis Ford Coppola, Golden Looks is a love letter to trophy hunting, chest hair, and smokeless tobacco.