Picture Purrfect

Matthew is college senior. He’s witty yet sincere, likeable and approachable yet somewhat socially awkward, and in the all-important 18–24-year-old age demographic that’s so important for comedies. One rainy evening Matthew hears scratching outside of his dorm room window- cut to the chase, it’s a stray cat who he reluctantly adopts and names Hipster. But it turns out Hipster is no ordinary cat- he can talk! Nah, just kidding. That would be stupid and overdone. Who needs another movie about a talking pet. But it does turn out that Hipster is somehow a ridiculously talented photographer. Follow this unlikely duo as they shoot to exhilarating artworld stardom in act 1, have a career and friendship threatening fallout in act 2, and rediscover their friendship while forced to work together to infiltrate a terrorist art ring at the behest of the government in act 3.