Uncle Muffin’s Puffins

Uncle Muffin is happy in his idyllic life in Anytown USA; days spent giddily dreaming up pitches and eating charcuterie with Aunt Muffin. That all changes after receiving a strange communication from the Icelandic Ministry of Infrastructure extending condolences that his distant cousin, Fodurbrodir Muffin, has passed away following an unfortunate encounter with fermented shark meat, and that as the closest living relative he has inherited his cousin’s coastal puffin ranch and has 30 days to travel to Iceland to claim or sell the estate or face heavy financial penalties. Airline tickets are included, and before you know it the adventure is afoot!

A warm family comedy without the comedy, get ready to get lost in Iceland with the Muffins as they struggle to navigate the foreign customs, Bjork superfans, and hundreds of puffins shitting everywhere at their newly acquired ranch. Will these social seabirds peck and claw their way into the Muffins’ hearts? Will Uncle Muffin launch a puffin meat fast food chain just to be rid of the avian droves? By the final reel instead of asking “who rescued who” you’ll be wondering who bankrolled this pap.