Later Ally Gator

Ally was on a fieldtrip to the zoo with her elementary school class when a careless mishap caused her to fall into the alligator exhibit. Needless to say, she was devoured instantly.  Just an awful, awful sight. But where there’s brutal child death, there’s also opportunity- for a crafty young alligator, that is!  Seizing his chance, young Hugo the Gator swiped up the remains of Ally’s clothes and quickly assumed her identity.  This reptile out of water dramedy follows “Ally” as she tries to fit in at her new school and understand what it means to be human. Will we learn that being “human” or “alligator” is not as important as being “friend”, or that the entire second and third acts are the incoherent fever dreams of 7-year-old Ally as she rapidly succumbs to her mortal wounds? You’ll have to fast forward to the 90-minute mark to find out!