Titty Titty Eyeballs

Another offering in the Danzig Cinematic Universe.

In this claymation (clay is the way) prequel to Verotica, we learn how Dajit’s eyebreasts came to be, or see, whichever the case may be. Dajit was born a regular woman with normal boobies. One day she met a creepy old man in tattered clothing, with a ragged beard. As she spoke to the hobo, she caught him staring at her already ample chest. “My eyes are up here, you bum!” She declared. “Look me in the eyes!” She was furious. What she did not know was that the old man was a wizard! And he was also a perv, and he was a little drunk on elderberry wine, so he said “Well young miss, now you have eyes down there on your titties too!” “So I am looking you in the eyes, byatch!” And with that he was gone in a flash of smoke, his cackling echoing into the night. Dajit pulled down her blouse and was shocked. Dazzling blue eyeballs gazed up at Dajit where once her saucer sized areolae had been. She was forced to go topless, of course, now that her Tit-eyes had seen the world. Hi-jinx ensue as Dajit’s daily life is thrown into chaos by her freaky eye titties. 

Yes, that shit is freaky. Freaky as a mother. So say I, Glen Danzig. 

[Comment: Again, I say unto you, go watch Verotica if you haven’t. Yes, even you cinema snobs. Glen Danzig is one of the greatest young(ish) directors in the modern world. His style makes Tarantino look like a hack, or rather even more of a hack than he actually is. Danzig has qualities reminiscent of Welles, Coppola, Scorsese and Wiseau. Danzig has a mastery of dialectics and Dianetics(tm) unparalleled in modern times. Danzig is the zeitgeist. Danzig is the past. Danzig is the future.]