Meet Joe Dirtier

In this combo reboot of a cinema treasure and a really bad Jamaican accent. Brad Pitt and David Spade reprise their roles as Joe Black (Death) and Joe Dirt, respectively but in reverse. Death comes for Joe and Joe begs for one more cross country adventure to find his real, real parents and discover himself before meeting his maker. What Death doesn’t know is that Joe is in fact a Golem, a Jewish Mud Man brought to life by magical powers. What Joe Dirt doesn’t know is that Death, Joe Black, is not really death but a serial killer with a taste for hillbillies. Hijinks ensue and we encounter memorable characters with cute, funky quirks and hearts of gold. Potential for a sequel is good as a Golem cannot be killed except by OxyClean.  We see Brad Garrett as Joe Dirt, and possibly Carrot Top as Joe Black if original stars are unavailable.