Where in the World is Glen Danzig?

It's been 258 days since Danzig has updated his website and almost two months since his sophomore directing effort; Death Rider in the House of Vampires, was fully exposed to an unready public. And yet, the HDIC is nowhere to be seen. No google news alerts. No touring updates. Not trips for cat litter. Was Glen spirited away by Soros-funded pedophiles because he was too close to finding out the truth? Did he intercept and decrypt a Russian numbers station communiqué and is putting together an elite team of Jeet Kane Do warriors to rain hellfire on Moscow? Or, an equally likely, darker, more sinister fate: was he ensorcelled by fresh gash?

Join us for this feature docudrama where we use AI to to recreate the voice of David Attenborough to try and solve the mystery of where in the world is Glen Danzig. and maybe solve Oak Island too. And if your response is that David Attenborough isn’t dead; he will be, someday. Just like George Plimpton. Just like all of us.