Tragic Eye

A young boy on summer vacation in 1994 spends weeks trying to cross his eyes just so to see the 3D images buried in the Magic Eye posters at a kiosk in his mall and as he finally succeeds his triumph is cut short by a bully upperclassman slapping him on his back, leaving him with permanent crossed eyes. While enduring the japes of his classmates in school that fall over his unfortunate affliction the boy notices something- much like his being able to see the hidden images in the posters with ease now certain people look different as well- sinister…monstrous.

As the years go on the boy’s worst fears are realized- aliens are hiding among us and only he can see through their disguises. John Carpenter returns to the director’s chair for this WWE produced update to his 80s classic They Live, starring Shawn Michaels as the cross-eyed hero doling out bumps to the back and sweet chin musics to try and misalign the eyes of his family and friends so they too can see the threat. Will he succeed in time to thwart the alien’s plan? Not if their leader played by Kane has anything to say about it.