Lorna Dune

As dry as Arrakis itself, the Lorna Doone cookie is a remarkable feet of engineering. A relic of a simpler time, the Lorna Doone is one part butter cookie, one part Harkonnen aphrodisiac. And, when the Bene Gesserit conspire to manipulate declining birth rates, they turn to the humble Lorna Doone, for help.

Imbuing the cookie with the spice melange, the treat now acts as a semi-nutritious snack, sexual stimulant and as a way for people to travel through hyperspace lanes directly, without needing to engage the Spacing Guild…something those creepy slugs wing stand for. Things are about to get spicy! He* who controls the spiced cookies, controls the universe in this pitch we were too lazy to finish.

* Of course it’s a he. If we couldn’t elect a woman president; twice, do you really think we’d make one the protagonist? I mean this is a fantasy story, not a wish fulfillment one.