Montana Brown and the Pilfered Pendant

“That belongs in a museum!” Every evil-doer who has ever heard some smarmy archeologist spit these words at them was sure of two things: epic whip-play was about to ensue, and that a cultural treasure was going to be ripped from an indigenous people and sent to a museum to be gawked at by Wonder Bread loving mouth breathers. That’s where Montana Brown comes in. Montana; a bolo wearing anthropologist, seeks to examine a culture – not by analyzing their material remains such as artifact and architectural remnants, but rather by studying the culture in as close to their natural habitat as possible.

When a long lost mystic pendant with ties to Zoroastrianism surfaces on display at the Getty in Los Angeles, it is up to Montana Brown to lead a team of anthropological mercenaries to break in to the museum, steal the MacGuffin, and deliver it back to Persia. But, when they return the pendant they’ll find themselves in the middle of a war between the reformist and traditionalist sects of Zoroaster. Will they be hailed as heroes, or as harbingers of end times or both? Either way, we hope the phrase “this belongs back where it came from!” is the rallying cry of next summer.