Christ I'm Tired...

Time travel has been discovered- and despite the founding scientists’ best intentions it has fallen into the hands of terrorists- they are now orchestrating an operation to go back to Biblical times to assassinate Jesus to prevent to spread of Christianity and secure the global domination of the Muslim faith. But when they come face-to-face with the divine love of Jesus they find themselves unable to complete their mission and instead become erstwhile apostles, converted in their beliefs by the welcoming love of a Christian God and reticent to reveal their true intent to their fellow heretics. The messaging of the film only gets more muddled from there; eventually devolving into a bare knuckle brawl between the faithful and the skeptical, leaving audiences wondering why they buy into any of this shit in the first place. Maybe they need to watch more goose-centric movies instead of looking toward Hollywood for movies that reinforce their inane belief in cosmic Man-in-Sky saviors that let the world around them burn in perpetuity. Where the goose honks, there go I....and you. Playing at drive-ins around the country after Tenet for a truly brain scrambling double-feature.