Howard the Goose

Goose Week kicks off at A Pitch a Day with a look at what Asparagoose’s life would be like if he were just a normal goose. While battling Crocoli, Asparagoose is hit by the techobeam. Powerless against the ray, Asparagoose is transported to a world within his mind where he never accepted the power of the Verdant. Living out his life as a goose named Howard with a family, a 9-to-5 job, and a baby named Ryan. Asparagoose struggles with the mundanity of his new life. One night, when taking his family to see a revival of the Antonio Banderas The Legend of Zorro, they are beset upon by thugs. As Howard pummels them into submission, a wave of remembrance washes over him and he realizes that his life in Goose World is a lie. Now, if he wants to reclaim his life as the Fowl Protector he must break out of this suburban trap and wake up from his unintended slumber.

Look, comic books love to recycle ideas, and this one is really close to Alan Moore’s crtically acclaimed Superman story For the Man Who Has Everything. Which begs the question; if it is so good, why didn’t we just name this For the Goose Who Has Everything? Maybe we’re just saving that title for next year’s Goose Week…