Wild Goose Chase

There is something broken at the core of the Technocracy. For years, Crocoli’s lizard brain suspected that the Technocracy’s mission of developing low power, environmentally friendly electronic products was a front for something much more sinister. When he stumbles upon PRJOBS, his deepest fears are confirmed. PRJOBS; or Project Obsolescence, is the cover the Technocracy uses to pull the wool over the sheeples’ eyes. By continually releasing software updates, they slow their customers devices down to an unusable point, forcing them to buy new devices – and in turn, funding the Technocracy’s Rube Goldberg-esque schemes. In order to finally unmask the Technocracy for what they are, Crocoli is going to need the help of his one-time enemy, some-time partner Asparagoose. The only problem? The one goose who can help untangle the Technocracy’s evil machinations is missing. Follow Crocoli as he embarks on a journey of self discovery, finally moving from the darkness and into the light, as he searches the globe for his friend in this homage to Trail of the Pink Panther. Goose Week continues, whether you want it to or not!