Into the Multigoose

Goose Week is extended! With the world distracted by the final showdown between Asparagoose and Aspara2se, the Technocracy is free to operate unchecked.  Their first order of business?  Open the portal of fowl, providing access to the infinite dimensional variants of Asparagoose.  Now equipped with an army of interdimensional Asparageese, the Technocracy appears to be invincible.  But there’s one thing the Technocracy didn’t count on: Asparagoose’s utter decimation of Aspara2se turned out to be the ultimate aphrodisiac, bringing him to a dangerous level of arousal and causing him to excrete catastrophic amounts of goose pheromones- pheromones that no dimensional variant of himself can resist.  The epic adventures of Asparagoose reach the ultimate climax in a goosebang to end all goosebangs, as one goose enters and one goose leaves.