A Wolf Best Served Cold

The tale of Little Red Riding Hood has been told from almost every angle imaginable.  But it’s a beloved and proven story, so if you can eek out a new spin, why not.  Told from the perspective of the “murderous” wolf’s son, we follow Steve Wolfowitz, now in his late 20s, on his long-brewing journey for justice and vengeance.  Armed with something far more powerful than big claws, Steve has a law degree and board certification.  Steve mounts a brilliant legal offensive against the aging Hunter, but there’s one thing he didn’t plan on- Little Red stepping in as a cunning pro bono defense attorney.  “My, what big dossiers you have.”  “The better to sue your client with, my dear.”  Will Steve finally get justice for his father’s horrific murder?  Will we be reminded that Little Red’s grandmother also met a grizzly end, even though justice had already been served on that front?  Perhaps, but the storyline will mostly give way to a blossoming forbidden romance between Steve and Little Red.  Plans for a tv series following the courtroom escapades of the Wolf and Red law firm are under way.