Fruitless Endeavor

Martin; a corporate wage-monkey, is Inspire Corps web administrator. Punch in, post to the web, make tiresome small talk, go home to a studio apartment, repeat. Day. After. Day. Martin gets very little help with his pointless task, each droll posting brining him one-step closer to losing his mind. After one mind-numbingly tedious unproductive day Martin falls asleep in the bathroom–and when he wakes, finds himself locked in the office building over a long weekend. With nothing to eat, Martin scavenges garbage cans for sustenance. His only find is discarded banana peels. Remembering the old urban legend about how bananas contain bananadine and how smoking the peels produces hallucinogenic effects, Martin sets about drying the peels and blasting off to adventure. Despite the intoxicating effects being disproven, Martin is soon flying high. Maybe science was wrong about bananadine, maybe it was the power of wishes come true, or maybe it was all the glue Martin continually huffs while racing around the office. Either way, Martin is in for the weekend of his life as he recreates Night at the Museum with Beanie Babies and office tchotchkes.