Pork Waggon

With Memphis in May having to go virtual this year, we thought it appropriate to present our take on a southern staple to be judged…

Josh and Rich were young childhood friends whose lives took them in different directions. But, the promises their teachers made – if they worked hard, if they behaved – never came true. Their talent and passion being wasted in middle management. Their lives an endless crush of mediocrity, hopelessly teetering on the edge of the void. One night, after a drunken reunion at a trendy barbecue joint, the two get thrown out for critiquing the vittles; claiming their smoke technique and sauce work is much better. Despite hangovers, their boasting still sounds good in the light of day and they decide to throw everything away and join the competitive barbecue circuit. Now; along with some friends, the boys aim to win the granddaddy of them all; full rack of ribs at Memphis in May. But, to get their they’ll have to earn their invitation by competing in regional cook-offs. Along the way they’ll become the type of guys who take their shirts off when they fight, learn absolutely no lessons, question the morality of killing animals for personal enjoyment, and have no redemptive arcs.