Happy Hannukah, Charlie Brown!

His whole life, Charlie Brown never quite fit in.  Despite trying harder than anyone, his Christmas spirit never seemed to live up to everyone else’s.   And to top it off he’s the town’s de facto scapegoat and physical and psychological punching bag.  Charlie never understood why he deserved such a life, but this holiday season the pieces finally fit into place.  Charlie’s cousin Howard visits the family, and explains to him that the muffled trombone nonsense his mother has been spewing at him for years was not lists of chores she was nagging him to do, but actually her trying to tell him about their Jewish roots and teach him about their faith.  You’re Jewish, Charlie Brown!  THAT'S why the children hate you!  Decades of wounds will be healed, and even more opened, in this cathartic holiday tale of self-discovery and disappointment.