Book of Palms

After a particularly rough Christmas hauling PS5s and Xbox Series Xs, Santa’s back is shot. On advice from his doctor, he decides to winter in Palm Beach, with the goal of convalescing in enough time to be ready for next years deliveries. What he didn’t know is that his neighbor is 45, who has decided to spend his waning year shitting his diapers in Palm Beach. Trump – who previously belittled a 7-year old girl about believing in Santa Claus, decides to seize the moment and seek Santa’s endorsement for 2024. Offering Santa preemptive pardons, government contracts, and a night with any of his children (save Ivanka), Trump tries to schmooze Saint Nick, but famously Santa can’t be bought. Without his undying loyalty, Trump turns on Santa quicker than an old man making the moves on his daughter. Drafted into a fight he never wanted, Santa must marshal the forces of good against an orange-tongued huckster and his legions of boobs. Rudolph and the reindeer lead the vanguard against Trump’s trophy-hunting gutter children, and the entire clan ends up on the permanent naughty list. Part Grumpy Old Men, part Grumpier Old Men, it’s the movie you didn’t know you didn’t need until 2020.