All I Want for Christmas is Yue

Rebekah Goldstein and Yue Huang are two tragic pawns in their respective families game to divide up the small east coast town of Westport. The Goldsteins would spend every Christmas Day at the Huang’s Chinese restaurant, and a small – but noticeable, interest between Rebekah and Yue was evident. Seizing on their flirtations, Mr. Goldstein promises his daughter’s hand in marriage to the Triad-backed Huangs, in an effort to consolidate his power. The arranged marriage was going perfectly, and the bloodshed between the Jewish mafia and the Triad settled to a simmer…until a dispute over matzah balls versus dumplings threatened the entire endeavor. Now, tensions rise, and the families are ready to go to war. Can the two young lovers find the strength to part the sea of distrust and the wisdom to mend the Great Wall between their families? Probably, because we’re pitching this one to Hallmark and they like sappy endings. Take equal parts West Side Story and Once Upon a Time in America and add a dash of Crazy Rich Asians to come up with something that is 100% offensive to everyone, including the filmgoers.