To Kill a Mockingjay

The war of the districts is over, but before a coalition of peace can be built Katnis Everdeen kills President Coin. Now, with the biggest trial in all of Pan-Am set to begin, Katnis’ fate rests in the hand of a appointed public defender — Ross Brambling. It seems to be an open and shut case, all of Pan-Am witnessed the murder on TV! But Brambling is a crafty litigator and constructs a narrative that presents a sympathetic Katnis, someone coping with PTSD. He calls surprise witness after surprise witness, each more shocking than the last. With a last ditch Hail Mary, Brambling accuses Haymitch of brainwashing Katnis. Katnis may soon go free, but will she sell her only friend down the river? While the jury will have to grapple with Katnis’ guilt or innocence, the audience will have to come to terms with paying full price for a ticket to a warmed over A Few Good Men for a franchise Lionsgate is trying to squeeze one last payday out of.