Smurf and Turf

It’s Sweeney Todd meets Top Chef, with a sprinkle of Hell’s Kitchen and a pinch of Tampopo.  The smurfs of Smurf Village always thought their biggest threat came from the outside world.  Gargamel.  Rogue knights.  Cartel drug mules.  But their centuries of defensive preparation and fortification failed to recognize what just might turn out to be their biggest existential threat of all: Cannibal Smurf!  Cannibal (Canny) was always a little off, but the villagers chalked it up to simple arrogance and poor social skills.  But when his popular restaurant “You Eat What You Smurf” started suffering due to the smurfdemic, Canny finally cracked.  As his new struggling takeout service began promoting more and more dishes featuring “the other blue meat”, he found himself catering to a dwindling number of clientele.