Alex Doesn't Live Here Anymore

America. We single handily won two world wars. We invented Coca-Cola. Our never-ending zeal for new pornographic experiences has pushed nascent technology in new directions. Land of the brave, and home of the free. Where every voice sings a song of democracy! What could possibly go wrong?

In an election that wasn't supposed to be close, ‘Murcia found a way to almost fuck it up and came within millimeters of re-electing the literal embodiment of Chester the Cheeto’s bowel movement. So, when the anxiety of poll watching proves too much, Alex decides that he can no longer live in the nation of his birth and sets out to find a new country to call home. Follow Alex as he tours the world looking for a home – any home, that will accept a genial American during the end times. It’s a reverse Borat, as Alex tries to charm his potential new neighbors and pretend that he understands their weird customs. Think of it like Ted Lasso, but for the big screen. We could all use something that makes us feel good right now…