The Morning After the Day Before Tomorrow

The ballots have been cast, the gods have been prayed to, and the endless barrage of commercials are done.  All that’s left now is to sit anxiously for god knows how long and wonder what the hell will happen.  But much like is the case in a galaxy far far away, when uncertainty rises a hero rises to meet it.  Being 2020, however, that hero is promptly quarantined, berated for being a socialist and saving only people in need (inconsiderately ignoring people that happen to be in no immediate danger), and proactively torn limb from limb on the chance that they happen to be a satanic pedophile.  With the country thoroughly distracted the time is finally ripe for Zoltradon, ruler of exoplanet 4546, to activate his sleeper army of mantis soldiers hidden miles below the eastern seaboard, and claim what his people believe is rightfully theirs.  Very little makes much sense these days, so we’ll go with that and pull the ‘art imitates life’ card here.  Why not.