Getting Elected

It’s Election Day, so that gives us one more chance to ram our political beliefs down your throats. While we hope everyone is taking the necessary precautions while voting, we want to remind you how important it is to vote. Remember, vote early and often. And with that reminder, we present a pitch ripped straight from 45s tweets…

They say power corrupts, and absolutely power corrupts absolutely. But what about absolute power in the hands of morons? For five film school students, rigging the student body president race and getting elected is the easy part. Governing, well that’s when you have to start making difficult choices. As the campus newspaper turns up the heat, will they be able to keep the shameful secret of their election fraud, or will they turn on each other and eat their own? Since they are film students, we’re betting there’ll be a last minute Deus Ex Machina that sets everything right. Now, if only the same thing happens tonight as the real polls close…