Stink, Stank, Trump

A holiday classic is reimagined for schoolchildren everywhere this election year! Once every 4 years the residents of Pooville tally votes to decide who should be their “Grand Poo-bah”. The title is only an honorific, with the idea being that each Poo will hold the title at some point; but that doesn’t stop the large, loud Trump who lives on the outskirts of town from demanding his turn despite his habit of regularly talking mess about more than half of Pooville. You see, the Trump desires validation from the Poos, but in lieu of contributing to their society and culture, he chooses instead to stomp around talking about how great he is despite not doing much of anything. When the Poos relent and grant him the title in 2016 the hope is that they won’t have to listen to his constant complaining any more, but as 2020 rolls around and the votes are ready to be cast, the Trump decides he wants another term. When the Poos decide that it’s Joe Booboo Poo’s turn at the top instead of the Trump’s, a devious plan is set into motion. With the help of his trusty lapdog Rudy and his coked-up progeny, the Trump sets out to retain his throne at any cost. And if you are expecting a last-minute change of heart a la the Grinch, sorry kids; you should have been born a Boomer if you want that kind of twee 1950s feel-good ending. This is 2020 and shit is on fire- prepare for a constant stream of whining, misleading statements and finger-pointing in Pooville this holiday. Narrated by Boris Karloff Jr. Junior.