A Room With a View to a Kill

As the nineteenth century turns to the twentieth, the sun is setting on British Imperialism. Gordon Ramsey has not yet elevated British cuisine, Dame Judi Dench was just regular Judi Dench, and relations with France remained strained. As tensions simmer across Europe, the British empire tries desperately to keep the fragile peace and prevent a war unlike the continent has ever seen. In one room at 2 Whitehall Court, the newly formed MI6 will look at the political landscape and foresee that a different type of diplomat is needed to untangle the delicate complications of the modern world. An agent who is suave, versed in deception, lovemaking, and loyal to only crown and country. And thus, the Double-O initiative is born. Follow 001 on his first mission to stop the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand. And while he’ll fail — spectacularly, the program will endure. It’s Solo meets The King’s Man in a pointless world-building backstory that no one asked for.