What I'm Thankful For

For Jack Sessions, the answer is nothing. Tired of being everyone’s emotional safety net, Jack was looking forward to a quiet Thanksgiving; Turkey for one, stuffing for one, whiskey for three…and thanks to COVID-19 protocols, he just might get his wish. That is, until some persistent family and friends insist he attend their annual Thanksgiving dinner despite state mandates. The worst part of the of the dinner is the annual tradition where everyone goes around the table and talks about what they're thankful for. As he sits six-feet apart and listens to their vapid, self-absorbed tales he realizes something – he hates these people. And as Jacks’s turn approaches, he’s going to let every one of those mother fuckers know what he really thinks of them. And while this shedding of dead weight that is his family and friends is cathartic, Jack knows that to be truly happy he’ll need burn every bridge he can. Old friends. Ex-bosses. Ex-girlfriends. Fast-food drive through attendants. Anyone who crosses him. He’s going to unburden his soul on them in a way that they know how disappointed he is in them and their decisions. Jack’s whirlwind tour of self discovery is part Festivus reenactment, part Falling Down but all true to the spirt and teaching of Ted Kaczynski.