Christmas is Cumming...

..and the geese are getting exploited. Tying up a continuity error from You’re Cooked and expanding on a mid-credits scene from Goosed, Christmas is Cumming explores the tragic consequences of Asparagoose’s continued absence from the flock he saved in You’re Cooked. While Asparagoose is out saving the world with Crocoli and Crystal Chandelier, the flock he swore to protect falls under the influence of smut peddlers. In Asparagoose’s absence, they move in and promise untold riches for the smallest asks; maybe a little waddling on camera, some lite spanking, or laying an egg on someone’s chest…little things. But, these little requests soon turn into bigger ones like goose-on-goose BDSM as the villains mine the depths of their own depravity just to make some quick (duck) bills. It’s up to Asparagoose to drive the filth mongers from town and shepherd his flock back to Christ. Asparagoose may have strayed from the flock, but in order to save his wards he’ll have to learn that when birds of a feather flock together they’ll soar majestically on eagle’s wings. It’s The Seven Samurai meets The Passion of the Christ in this shameless cash grab.