Remote Learning

The pandemic has been challenging for mad scientist inventor Max Von Tedisla.  While he’s perfectly comfortable toiling away in his home-based lab, dealing with his 3 young kids learning remotely has been tough, to say the least.  How is Max supposed to perfect his technical atrocities with 3 little leaches constantly distracting him with idiotic questions like ‘what’s the capital of Idaho?’  Seeing no other choice, Max creates a remote control that can make his kids automatically learn all of their lessons, freeing them up to go play in traffic or eat paint or do whatever it is kids usually do during the day, so long as they stay out of his hair.  But Max gets more than he bargained for when his new invention turns his kids into super geniuses far surpassing even his own intellect.  It’s full blown hysterical mayhem as Max tries to out-science his kids in this Adam Sandler vehicle that’s part CLICK and part BACK TO THE FUTURE.