Devil’s Knight

A new iconic Halloween character is born: Devil’s Knight.  The movie opens with a gratuitous flashback to Medieval times, where a semi-skilled and down on his luck page makes a deal with the devil to become the greatest knight ever.  As expected in any setup of this kind, the wish is granted, but the catch is he will only possess these powers once a year… for eternity… in order to do the devil’s bloodthirsty bidding.  Enter present day, October 30, as the Knight mystically returns to do his master’s annual bidding.  And what is this bidding?  Why, to graphically murder teens and early 20-somethings at debaucherous Halloween parties of course.  How many creative and memorable ways can a supernatural knight kill someone with a lance?  At least enough to fill 3 movies!  Why was such an obvious title never used before?  Well, after writing this we realized that it was.  But turns out we went in a waaaaaaay different direction.  And frankly, based on what was churned out before, we’re guessing the rights can’t be worth much more than a few gas station scratch-offs and a promise to purchase all unsold DVD copies of the original.