Once Bitten, Twice Shia

What’s better than one blood hungry, vampiric Shia LeBeouf? Two! Shia has always been “special,” going full Daniel Day Lewis in many of his roles. But how has Shia been able to master his craft and still find time to act douchey? Shia’s secret is that he has made a pact with the Devil to grant him his unholy acting talent. When Shia is cast in a role he creates a Shia simulacrum; or Shiamulacrum, that goes out into the word and gathers the necessary knowledge for the original. The Shia-host then reabsorbs the Shiamulacrum back into itself, gaining the wisdom and knowledge from the clone. It was all working great, until Shia-Prime is cast in a True Blood revival. His clone is turned into a vampire, and cannot be reabsorbed. What follows is an erotic tale of bloodlust, betrayal, gamesmanship, and full body tattoos as the two Shia’s try to kill each other highlander style. There can be only one Shia!