Dr. Ichabod Crane

They say Hollywood is out of ideas, but that’s not true.  Hollywood has just realized the incredible power of nostalgia, and how to harness it for profit.  Remakes, reimaginings, and perhaps the greatest cash grab of all, reunions.  This sucker has two of out of three, making it twice as profitable.  And it puts a nice little spin on it to make it Halloween friendly, opening up some of that sweet sweet holiday money.  This reunion show reimagines what life in Seattle would be like if Frasier and Niles Crane’s agoraphobic lost brother Ichabod moved in.  Much like Niles with Maris, Ichabod will be constantly tormented by a never-seen antagonist, though his is on a horse and missing an important body feature.  Heads will roll, and then be fully psychoanalyzed, in this nostalgic cash grab for the ages.