The Home Stretch

“Proud Boys, stand back and stand by.“ With that one phrase, a million voices cried out in terror, and one decided to make a quick buck. Dave Spring; the elastic hero from Stretched Thin, offers his protective service to a small suburban neighborhood in exchange for a small one-story bungalow house and some beer money. He thought it would be an easy gig…until he learned that the suburbs hide a dark secret. The Nazi scientists who came to America via Operation Paperclip eventually ‘retired’ and moved into the suburbs. But isn’t a retired Nazi still a Nazi? Just because they ended up in the suburbs, doesn’t mean they suddenly became tolerant. It means they continued their twisted genetic experiments under the cover of the HOA. In order to survive, Dave will learn that the only thing more dangerous than a Nazi who has gone to ground in the suburbs are white supremacist Kaijus!