
The latest thriller from M. Night Shymalan is here! Bored office worker Tonto Gravitas is finally giving dating apps a chance to spark up his personal life and is nervously awaiting his date with the person he matched with. While waiting for them to show at the restaurant he starts getting chatted up at the bar by a patron next to him, a young lady who herself is waiting for her online date. Their conversation flows easily, and their matches are both running late, so Tonto is about to suggest they sit at a table and continue the conversation over dinner- but then a Twist(tm)! The dates show up- they had been on the other side of the bar waiting themselves and began talking with each other and Twist(tm)!!! They also hit it off. After an awkward exchange and debate about sitting down separately with the people they had matched with- Twist(tm)!!! They elect to all sit down together double-date style to all get to know each other better. 

And just like that - the Trap is set! What Tonto won’t know until the third act is that the other three patrons have conspired against him, and as the night unfolds he will both ascend to heaven and be dragged to hell- first as he explores new frontiers of sexuality when the foursome heads to a hotel room and he discovers that the ladies are rocking some gear in their pants that he wasn’t anticipating (Trap!!!(tm)), and surprise surprise! he likes it (Twist!!!)

But his afterglow is cut short as he awakens to find himself shackled to the hotel bed still naked- but Twist!!!! He likes that too! And as the other three people reveal themselves to be people from Tonto’s past that he wronged in some major or mundane way (twist?) and that they are now going to exact their violent revenge Tonto reveals….he isn’t Tonto at all (Twist!!!)- he’s an alien…that killed Tonto and assumed his form years ago. The film kind of peters out from there…kind of like Night’s career resurgence has these last few years.