The Simp Sons

Something strange is going on in the town of Springfield. All of the high school boys are being extra accommodating and courteous to the ladies of Springfield High without so much as a glance from them in return. Prior to the beginning of the school year this was not the case- they were typical douchey students who certainly paid attention to their coed peers, but in a more standard hormonal, rapey sort of way.

Trudy Moore is a junior and journalist club member who has certainly not minded the tidal shift in male behavior this semester but can’t shake the feeling that something is amiss. Her investigative instincts start her on a trail to uncover the cause behind the mass-neutering: is Principal Gelding responsible? Did he threaten the male cohort to behave or face expulsion? Was it Coach Buttlip and his staff slipping estrogen supplements into the water coolers in the boys’ locker room to avoid any further incidents putting his name on the front page of the Springfield Gazette? Did Ms. Cyn Thessis the chemistry teacher finally crack the formula for her anti-testosterone pills that she has been working on since Trudy’s freshman year?

Maybe it’s Donna DiLaurio and her sycophantic gang of cosmetically-enhanced Spastics keeping the guys in line via empty promises of kissing shaft if they are nice?

Trudy discovers it actually is Donna who is responsible, but not for the reason she supposed.

Trudy’s snooping leads her to find a secret meeting place for the Spastics in the library, a hidden room underneath the self-help section that is a long forgotten rare books room. 

Donna stumbled across it back in September when a particularly involved makeout session with Troy Demure knocked a bookcase and revealed a trap door beneath it. As they explored the dusty shelves of the neglected room she happened across a grimoire containing spells and recipes for bewitching and enslaving the opposite sex. Armed with her new knowledge she began holding weekly meetings of her newly dubbed Lovin’ Coven to perform incantations to bring the male student population to heel.

Can Trudy somehow gain the upper hand  on a troop of bitch witches to break the spell? Does she even want to reverse the Simpening that has allowed her to do her work and wear crop tops uninterrupted this semester so far? Find out this Fall as all hex breaks loose…