The 3 Bodies Problem

Justin is a mildly successful upper-lower class middle manger father of three with a mediocre sex life. He spends most of his time at work, carting the kids from activity to activity, and performing household chores. While trying to spice things up in the bedroom, Justin “accidentally” blurts out how hot a threesome would be. In the awkward moments that followed, Justin contemplates how best to divide up their communal property and what nights he’ll be allowed to see his children. Much to his surprise, his wife’s silence was not disgust but instead, arousal. After much talk about boundaries and pre-sex STD testing, Justin’s wife assures him her friend Robin will be into it.

Over the next few weeks, Justin’s mood improves as his fantasy is about to become a reality. And finally, the big night arrives. The kids are at their grandparents, Justin takes a double dose of the blue pill, and his wife puts on her sexiest outfit. As the doorbell rings, he assumes his spot on the master bed, front and center for the impending sexual carnival. As two sets of footsteps make their way up the stairs, he closes his eyes in anticipation. Opening them, he is startled to see his wife and Robin pawing each other, just not the Robin he was expecting. Justin was expecting buxom coworker Robin, not six pack abs kickboxing instructor Robin. Figuring in for a penny, in for a pound, Justin has no choice but to try and match cocks with Robin. Despite a 20 mg head start, Justin is no match for Robin’s powerful ejaculate and a sexual freedom that comes from being young, and Justin soon finds himself a third wheel.

While shaken, Justin’s self-esteem is truly destroyed when his wife suggests Robin move in to “help with the kids and house stuff.” A cuckold in his own home, Justin learns that you need to be careful what you wish for in this romantic comedy about enthusiastic consent and assisted suicide.