Fruit Leather Face

Another offering in the Danzig Cinematic Universe, this horror adjacent after school special digs in to the backstory of the Mystery Girl, from the “Change of Face” segment of Verotika, and how she became a “face ripper”. 

As a youngster MG was traumatized by an avocado and chia beauty mask see saw her mother wearing one night. Unable to process the sight of her mother in the mask, she began to act out and slather her own face with whatever was in the pantry. Peanut butter, refried beans, mashed potatoes, you get the idea. But inevitably these substances would drip off of MGs face, leaving her wanting a more permanent solution. One day her mother packed a sheet of fruit leather in her lunch. MGs eyes lit up when she saw it. “At last!” She exclaimed. After that day MG would stalk other kids for their fruit roll-up so she could wear them on her face. Oh the horror of teen trauma! Watch out kids!