Miami Mice

A new animated motion picture that resurrects the 80s television hit for no apparent reason! Colin Feral and Jamie Fox lend their voices to animated rodents Croquette and Chubbs, two cheese-lovin’, pastel-wearin’, lady mice-fuckin’ detectives in the Miami-Dade jurisdiction.

When our protagonists learn that a CCI (confidential cheese informant) has gone missing following a break in a case trying to take down a Danish smuggling ring they use a combination of vehicle transponder technology and their finely-honed sniffers to track him to the docks where an illicit Havarti delivery was supposed to happen. Despite requisitioning a task force to try and arrest the criminals and hopefully save their informant’s life the docks are empty, save for a single shipping container. As the detectives investigate they find their informant’s body inside the container, gruesomely mangled in a mouse trap, his orifices stuffed with Cotija and Manchego. Suddenly an explosion rocks the pier- a ship has exploded a couple miles out in the water - it’s the Danes, or what’s left of them and their delicious creamy cheeses and cocaine. Apparently the Mexican cartel is not taking too kindly to the competition nor the heat from the police department!

Releasing ostensibly as counter-programming to the new Bad Boys movie for younger kids who are too delicate to watch Will Smith smack anyone besides Oscars hosts, this curio of a movie is destined to go down as a terrible mistake for all involved. Don’t miss it because it won’t be in theaters long!