The Madness and the Mania

It’s the alternate history epic people have been waiting for! Enough of this “what if the Axis won World War 2” nonsense- what audiences want to see is the 1980s timeline that spins out from that seminal moment when Hulk Hogan and Macho Man Randy Savage combined their might to birth the Mega Powers in 1987.

When the 2 superstars elect to join forces and shake hands the combined cosmic and charismatic energy is too much for our puny solar system and a schism occurs, creating an entire other solar system out there man, one filled with threats even more sinister than Andre the Giant and Ted DiBiase. A legion of salty anti-wrestling Saturnians surreptitiously solicit a squadron of sentinels to stakeout Saturday Night’s Main Events, disguising themselves as WWF Superstars in an attempt to take out the real wrestlers and end sports entertainment’s popularity forever and replace it with their preferred leisure activity- competitive mining.

After a bit of hand-waving away the details of how in Act 2 the parallel systems are able to communicate, and Earth 1 Hogan and Savage are brought in to battle Saturn’s imposter wrestlers alongside Earth 2 Hogan and Savage, setting the stage for a climactic donnybrook the likes of which we’ve never seen. 2 sets of 24-inch pythons and double the flying elbow drops?! If a mere handshake between these two superstars can unravel the fabric of space-time what happens when four of them start dropping signature moves?  It’s either the heat death of the universe or a sequel.